Spitz breeder Croatia- Map
Would you like to buy a Spitz in Croatia? On this map you will find Spitz breeders in Croatia and surroundings. Click on the symbol to get more information about the breeder.
Note: The positions do not show the exact position of the breeder, but only the position by postcode.
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Spitz breeder in Croatia
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I love my Spitz because,
…he is so faithful and loyal.
…he is so playful and lively.
…he is so vigilant and protective.
…he is so intelligent and capable of learning.
…he is so beautiful and fluffy.
My Spitz is not just a pet, but a loyal companion who enriches my life with his playful energy and alert nature. His intelligence and learning ability never fail to impress me, and his extraordinary beauty and soft fur make him simply irresistible. The love and devotion that my Spitz shows me make him an irreplaceable part of my family.
Other names and spellings for Spitz
To make this page easier to find, we also list other spellings and translations here.
The Spitz is also known as: American Eskimo Dog, American Spitz, Dansk Spids, Deutsche Spitze, Deutscher Wolfsspitz, Duitse keeshond, Esquimau Américain, Finnen-Spitz, German Giant Spitz, German Miniature Spitz, German Miniature Spitz / Pomeranian, German Miniature Spitz, Pomeranian, German Mittelspitz, German Spitz, German Spitz – Klein, Mittel, German Spitz – Kleinspitz, German Spitz – Kleinspitz, Pomeranian, German Spitz – Miniature, German Spitz Klein, German Toy Spitz, Großspitz, Gross-Spitz, Japan Spitz, Japanese Spitz, Japanischer Spitz, Japansk Spids, Japan-Spitz, Keeshond, Kleinspitz, Kleinspitz and Pomeranian, Loulou de Poméranie, Medium Spitz, Mittelspitz, Piccolo Spitz, Pomeranian, Sort Spids, Spitz Allemand, Spitz Finlandais, Spitz Japonais, Spitz piccolo e nano, Szpic duży biały (Szpic niemiecki), Szpic duży kolorowy (Szpic niemiecki), Szpic japoński, Szpic mały biały (Szpic niemiecki), Szpic mały kolorowy klasyczny (Szpic niemiecki), Szpic mały kolorowy współczesny (Szpic niemiecki), Szpic miniaturowy (Pomeranian) (Szpic niemiecki), Szpic średni (Szpic niemiecki), Szpic średni kolorowy klasyczny (Szpic niemiecki), Szpic średni kolorowy współczesny (Szpic niemiecki), Szpic wilczy (Keeshond) (Szpic niemiecki), Volpino, Volpino di Pomerania, Volpino Italiano, Volpino italien, Wolfspitz, Wolfsspitz, Zwergspitz.
Spitz breeder lists
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Spitz breeders in the Czech Republic
Spitz breeders in Great Britain
Spitz breeders in the Netherlands
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